Let's start off with my pantry, I pretty much HATE my pantry. No matter how many times I "organize" it, it will always end up looking just like this!
It took me about 8 hours to "organize" it today. That was only because I spent most of the day coloring mine and my husband's hair while doing homework and STILL dealing with a crap load of pain from my surgery.
ANYHOO here is the AFTER
It still looks like a cluttered mess. One day I will conquer it!
My hair is ever changing. I grew up in a salon and was a stylist myself for a few years. So, it's "in my blood" I guess you could say. When I met my husband I had black hair so after the last baby he asked me if I would color my hair black again, SURE what the hell! Well guess what? I have gray hair and the desert sun is making my natural medium blond hair grow in much lighter so I was having to retouch pretty much every week to keep from looking like a skunk. I decided I needed a change my husband requested Vampire Red from Manic Panic, for some reason I agreed. So, today I started by bleaching my hair, I was pretty amazed that most of the black came out with one application of Manic Panic Amplified Bleach 40V. But then I got scared, I didn't want to go crazy red! I'm currently not comfortable with my weight and I didn't want to draw any extra attention to myself. Nope, BRIGHT red just wasn't going to do. I sent Jere to Sally's with a list of colors and the result while very "normal" is something I really like! I think we'll keep it!
BEFORE (with make up on)
DURING: L-R Just bleach, Tried to tone it with violet based color, Got real and mixed some Ash with the Violet POW!

My son and I dorking around with my new iPhone.
My son and I dorking around with my new iPhone.
My husband mid crazy hair coloring rampage decided he didn't want the Manic Panic Vampire to be left to a life in my hair supply pantry, so we bleached his hair and wala!
This picture melts my heart, I love seeing my "boys'' together.
This picture melts my heart, I love seeing my "boys'' together.
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